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Thursday, Aug. 05, 2004

I miss my girl.

I've been so busy this week, and today I worked an extra day. Plus, I've decided to wean her. And I just miss her.

On Monday, I decided that it's time to end the breastfeeding. She's going on 15 months, and I was down to once a day. It was starting to hurt because I don't think I was making as much as she wanted - and she's drinking her whole milk really well now. So, I decided to just go ahead and do it.

Sunday the 15th is my birthday and Pete is taking me out to dinner at the Melting Pot - it's a new fondue place that I've been dying to try. Her Grandma is going to watch Lucy and she's going to spend the night over there - then on Monday she's keeping her all day, because I don't have daycare that whole week. So, I thought I might as well wean her before all that happens.

It's hard though. I'm sad. It's the end of a very special bonding between me and Luc. I'll miss it.

That's all - P

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