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Monday, Aug. 09, 2004
Unexpected news

I got some bad news on Thursday, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I'm feeling better than I did, but I was kind of numb for about 3 days.

My parents are splitting up - after 40 years of marriage.

You don't realize that as an adult something like this will affect you like it does. You just become accustomed to how things are, and when something changes, it's weird. I keep thinking about holidays. So, I'm going to have to alternate between my parents for holidays now... yuck! And whomever I'm not with, I'll worry about. I don't want either of them to feel lonely!

The silver lining in all of this is that my Mom wants to move here, to be closer to me and Lucy. They currently live in Charleston, SC. My Dad will stay there, in their house. He works there and my Mom thought it made more sense for her to leave. Besides, she wanted to be here if they weren't going to be together.

I'm really glad that Lucy will get to know her Grandmother - that part is wonderful. But, what about her Grandfather? I don't know if we'll still fly down to visit as often. What's the house going to be like? I imagine it just going to hell like what happened with my Grandpa after my Grandma died. Nobody wanted to visit because it was a mess.

My friend, Tracy told me that she's read that when a couple who's been married 20+ years splits, the man often finds someone else rather quickly. They're used to having somebody to take care of them, and find they need that in their lives. She also said that the woman often feels really relieved of the burden of caring for someone else all the time, and finally is able to devote the attention to herself that she's always craved... and is happier for it. I hope the later is true, but the idea of my dad hooking up with somebody else is just weird. I guess in a way it would be kind of nice to know somebody was taking care of him, because I will worry about him.

I don't know. I'm so confused. My Mom is going to stay with us until she can find an apartment, and then my Dad is going to drive a U-haul down with her car towed behind and bring her stuff. It's going to be weird having my Mom in an apartment. I hope we can find something nice, affordable and CLOSE! I don't want her living in a dump, but she doesn't have a lot of money to work with. She doesn't have a job, and her social security check isn't much. My Dad said he'd help her out. Maybe she'll want to get a part-time job. If she could find one doing what she used to do before they moved down to SC 11 years ago, I bet she'd like that. She used to be a media secretary at an elementary school. But, she couldn't get a job doing that down south because the schools are poor and they didn't offer that job, at least not paid.

We'll see I guess. It's all sort of surreal. Ciao for now -P

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