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Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004

It's going on 2 weeks now, and I'm beginning to get used to my Mom being around. At first, it was tough. She likes to talk... non-stop, and frankly, it's exhausting. But, she's trying to be helful with Lucy, and that's nice. I finally got up the nerve to let her sit with her all day last Friday, and it went pretty well. She let her fall off a chair because she wasn't paying close enough attention. And she let her get into the bathroom because she forgot to close the door. But, she realizes that she needs to be a little bit more attentive. I didn't call her all day because I didn't want to distract her from caring for Lucy. She's easily distracted. When I'm home, Lucy can be screaming at the top of her lungs and my Mom will just keep on talking like nothing's happening.

We found her a place to live. Cute little cottages with private entrances for people 55+. And they're close to our house. My Mom loves them. I talked to my Dad to be sure that he's on the same page as my Mom before she commited to a lease, and he most definately is. That made me realize with a little more finality that this is not going away, at least not any time soon. So, she is moving in on Sept 1st.

She asked if she can watch Lucy a couple of times a week for us, and it's going to help us out finacially in a big way. We need all the help we can get. Unfortunately, she has only given us $20 to help with groceries since she got here. But, I suppose it's fair because she has watched Lucy a couple of times. It's just hard. We were having trouble with our bills before she got here, and now we have another mouth to feed. It will improve soon because if we drop a day at daycare that money will be coming back. Right now, we're not seeing any of that savings.

This entry is boring and it sounds like I'm a robot, so I'm going to go now. -P

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