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Wednesday, Sept. 08, 2004
Broke and grumpy

Man am I grumpy.

I had a full day planned at work today, and this bitch came in and took it all away from me. I hate it when I don't have anything to do. It makes me worry about my job security.

I have been working Thursdays now to help make ends meet, and if I don't have anything to do, I don't feel justified in taking home an extra day's paycheck.

We are so broke. And I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. The only option is to take more time away from my precious little girl and work more... but I refuse. I'd rather live in a shack than see her any less than I already do.

I think we over-extended ourselves with this house. And as much as I love it, I just think we didn't think it through as much as we should've.

I hope one or both of us gets a raise soon - that's the only hope we have.

I am going to go home tonight and go through all my clothes to take to the consignment store. I know it isn't much, but it should help. Maybe I can find some stuff to sell on ebay too.

Ciao- P

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