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Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2005

Pete and I had a nice talk the other day, and I'm feeling much better about us today. But, now we've got money issues... as usual.

He's stressing because tax time is coming up, and we usually contribute to our IRA's, but this year it doesn't look like we're going to have the money to do it.

We didn't budget well - everything's just too tight, and we can't stick to it. We forgot to allot for things like Lucy's doctor bills. How stupid are we?

He's got a bunch of doctor bills coming up now and he's feeling incredibly broke. Join the club. I've been as broke as as person gets since I went back to work full time.

I had to cut my cash allowance down to $40 a week to make ends meet. And I still owe him money for paying off my credit card bill. I hate owing money. I should probably just start making installments to him, because I can't see another way out unless I get money from my Dad from my Grandpa's inheritance. We'll see, but even if that comes through it will be very small, and most of it will be already spent.

At least I'll have the debt thing off my shoulders though. I hope it comes through.

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